‘Keeping it REAL’ – 4 Ways to Be More Resilient at Work
By definition – resilience is about embracing change.
And there are many proven ways to practice resilience – with learning high on the list.
In her article ‘Thriving In Tough Times’, US author and educator Katherine Klein cites the abbreviation ‘REAL’ to help organisations improve their resilience in a team environment:
R = Relationships
We are far more resilient when we are engaged and supported and motivated with – and by – others. Our ties to others make us
stronger, happier, more creative, and more resilient to challenges
E = Effectiveness
Believing that we make a difference, that we have control and that our actions matter, also builds resilience
A = Affect
When we experience positive emotions – our bodies relax and our physical stress lessens
L = Learning
When we find lessons, meaning and harmony in our setbacks, we are better able to move on.
Saying these things is easy.
How to see the issues and fix them is not so easy!
Especially when we don’t really know the questions to ask that will make these overwhelming and ‘hard-to-do’ things doable!
Call Mike on 0430 457 635 to find out what these questions are, and how to answer them.
By Mike Peeters
Mike Peeters of Mike Peeters Media is a contributing writer for the Australian Institute of Management WA (AIM WA), and full-time freelance Web and Facebook copywriter for businesses large and small. Located in Perth, WA, if you need a copywriter who really understands what works for you and your business, please contact Mike on +61 430 457 635.
Check out our website at https://mikepeetersmedia.com.au