Staking: the new brain hack that gets you started and keeps you there
We all know what it’s like to make New Year’s resolutions and not keep them.
But what if there was a way to overcome that procrastination and keep those New Year resolutions, every single year?
Well at last there is a proven way to do this.
Whether it is losing extra kilos, going to the gym consistently, giving up bad habits such as smoking or excessive drinking, or doing regular study, the Staking anti-procrastination brain hack means you can achieve success with almost anything you want, in almost any area.
To celebrate this, Perth author and researcher Bret Treasure has just released his book ‘Staking’, co-founded with colleague Ben Raphael, which outlines exactly how to go about achieving your goals quickly and easily.
The book follows on from the Staking app which Bret spent years perfecting and gives anyone with determination (and particularly a dislike of losing their own money!) to overcome prevarication.
As Bret says, the overarching principle of staking is very simple.
“Risking money (or staking) activates the survival circuitry in your brain that produces action.
“If you just flinched reading that and thought ‘this is not for me’, this is a sign it will definitely work for you.”
Bret continues: “If you want to self-motivate, get started or get reliable at something, know this: people who risk more than $50 will do what they promise 96 per cent of the time.
“96 percent! So, in other words, if you keep your word, it costs you nothing.”
Staking can work in so many areas including: reducing screen time on your computer, phone, or laptop, cutting back on social media and even getting up earlier in the morning.
Another effective example is writing, where budding novelists can stake money they will write a certain number of words per day.
“If they don’t succeed, they lose their stake, and the money goes to a charity of their choice.
“And because behavioural science says that as humans, we are naturally loss averse, this is something we can leverage for our own good.”
Bret goes on to say the book is stimulating and provocative with a combination of humour, common sense, and logic – something we could all do with in these turbulent times.
For more information about Staking and the Staking anti-procrastination app, call Bret on:
0409 908 133 or go to:
To order an electronic copy of Staking go to:

By Mike Peeters Media