Solving your copywriting problems – six steps for success
If you run a business, you will almost certainly be faced with this problem at some stage: how to produce persuasive and effective copy for your blog, website or marketing materials.
It is a fact of life these days that Google is the first port of call when looking for goods or services.
So, whether you are an accountant, plumber, mechanic or travel agent, having a strong, persuasive copy to highlight the benefits of your business is an essential part of your marketing plan.
Doing this is not always so simple though – especially when you may be already snowed under just running the business.
Getting a writing professional in makes a lot of sense, as does familiarising yourself with the best options when you do.
A good copywriter will provide you with a range of proven options to help raise your business profile; both on Google and through carefully crafted blogs and website copy.
According to, the following six steps are worth noting when looking to generate new ideas:
- Start with a creative brief – a road map of where you want to go with your business, and go through it very carefully…
- Ask yourself, what is your main message, and how do you want to approach it?
E.g., Something unexpected, clever, funny etc
- Bounce these ideas off your writing professional – you should both be contributing equally and coming up with phrases or concepts to work on
- Brainstorm, and keep everything you come up with on the table. Don’t be afraid of starting out big and then reining in the ideas where necessary
- Pick out the best ideas and concepts and follow two or three of them
- Focus on these, review and compare them with the brief, then approve them with your writing professional so they can write them with mastery and flair.
It’s that simple so get brainstorming everyone!

By Mike Peeters