5 Ways to be a Good Strategic Leader
Strategic thinking involves understanding the tricky relationship between the organisation and its environment – as well as taking strong action consistent with the strategic direction of the organisation.
Good strategic leaders are those who can continually develop and discover strategy and constantly repurpose and revise it.
Good strategic leadership involves, among other things:
- Assessing where you are
- Understanding who you are – and where you want to go
- Learning how to get there
- Making the journey, and finally
- Checking your progress.
Strategy is also an ongoing discovery process involving both ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ elements.
This is why individuals throughout the organisation who impact beyond their own functional areas have many opportunities to act as strategic leaders.
And it is important to realise that despite its more complex nature, strategy creation is not limited to top executives.
Strategic leadership is a process not a position – demanding the involvement of many – as well as a solid commitment to learning.
To find out more about how you can make your organisation more strategic, why not contact Mike at Mike Peeters Media on +61 430 457 635?
By Mike Peeters
Mike Peeters of Mike Peeters Media is a contributing writer for the Australian Institute of Management WA (AIM WA), and full-time freelance Web and Facebook copywriter for businesses large and small. Located in Perth, WA, if you need a copywriter who really understands what works for you and your business, please contact Mike on
+61 430 457 635.
Check out our website at https://mikepeetersmedia.com.au